Bestowed at the feet of deities, used in abhisheks or pujas, offered as prasad to people. This is the way I make it. Do give it a try this festive season.

Milk - 2 cups
Curd - 1 cup
Castor Sugar - 2 tablespoons
Chironji - 1 tablespoon
Raisins - 2 tablespoon
Gangajal - 1/2 cup
Honey - 1 teaspoon
Tulsi Leaves - 8-10
Step 1 - Beat the curd lightly and now add milk.
Step 2 - Mix castor sugar, honey & gangajal. If the consistency is a still thick then add a little water.
Step 3 - Add some dry fruits like raisins, chironji & tulsi leaves.